# # Default key and button bindings for Ion # bindings{ set_mod "Mod1" # Frames modifications submap "K" { set_mod "AnyModifier" kpress "K", "destroy_frame" kpress_waitrel "C", "closedestroy" kpress "V", "resize_vert" kpress "H", "resize_horiz" kpress "S", "split_vert" kpress "D", "split_horiz" kpress "M", "maximize_vert" kpress "L", "maximize_horiz" } # Clients submap "C" { set_mod "AnyModifier" kpress "P", "goto_previous" kpress "C", "close" kpress "K", "kill" kpress "A", "query_attachclient" kpress "G", "query_gotoclient" kpress "1", "switch_nth", 0 kpress "2", "switch_nth", 1 kpress "3", "switch_nth", 2 kpress "4", "switch_nth", 3 kpress "5", "switch_nth", 4 kpress "6", "switch_nth", 5 kpress "7", "switch_nth", 6 kpress "8", "switch_nth", 7 kpress "9", "switch_nth", 8 kpress "0", "switch_nth", 9 } # Workspaces swithcing kpress "F1", "switch_ws_nth", 0 kpress "F2", "switch_ws_nth", 1 kpress "F3", "switch_ws_nth", 2 kpress "F4", "switch_ws_nth", 3 kpress "F5", "switch_ws_nth", 4 kpress "F6", "switch_ws_nth", 5 kpress "F7", "switch_ws_nth", 6 kpress "F8", "switch_ws_nth", 7 kpress "F9", "switch_ws_nth", 8 kpress "F10", "switch_ws_nth", 9 # Frames switching kpress "Down", "goto_below" kpress "Up", "goto_above" kpress "Left", "goto_left" kpress "Right", "goto_right" # Clients switching kpress "Tab", "switch_next" kpress "Shift+Tab", "switch_prev" set_mod "Control" kpress "Tab", "switch_ws_next" kpress "Shift+Tab", "switch_ws_prev" kpress "F1", "switch_nth", 0 kpress "F2", "switch_nth", 1 kpress "F3", "switch_nth", 2 kpress "F4", "switch_nth", 3 kpress "F5", "switch_nth", 4 kpress "F6", "switch_nth", 5 kpress "F7", "switch_nth", 6 kpress "F8", "switch_nth", 7 kpress "F9", "switch_nth", 8 kpress "F10", "switch_nth", 9 set_mod "" kpress "F1", "query_runwith", "Manual page :", "xterm -id Manuel -e man" # kpress "Mod1+F1", "exec", "ion-man ion" kpress "F2", "exec", "xterm" kpress "F3", "query_exec" kpress "F4", "query_function" kpress "F5", "query_runwith", "SSH to :", "xterm -e ssh" kpress "F6", "query_runfile", "Edit :", "xterm -id ViM -e vim" kpress "F7", "query_runfile", "View :", "ion-view" kpress "F8", "query_workspace_with" kpress "F9", "query_workspace" kpress "F10", "query_renameworkspace" kpress "F11", "query_yesno", "Restart Ion (y/n) ?", "restart" kpress "F12", "query_yesno", "Exit Ion (y/n) ?", "exit" mdrag "Button3", "p_resize" } tab_bindings{ mclick "Button1", "switch_tab" mdrag "Button1", "p_tabdrag" mdrag "Button3", "p_resize" } input_bindings{ set_mod "Control" kpress "F", "forward" kpress "B", "back" kpress "E", "eol" kpress "A", "bol" kpress "Z", "bskip_word" kpress "X", "skip_word" kpress "D", "delete" kpress "H", "backspace" kpress "J", "kill_to_eol" kpress "Y", "kill_line" kpress "W", "kill_word" kpress "O", "bkill_word" kpress "U", "scrollup" kpress "V", "scrolldown" kpress "P", "history_prev" kpress "N", "history_next" kpress "M", "finish" kpress "C", "cancel" submap "K" { set_mod "AnyModifier" kpress "B", "set_mark" kpress "Y", "cut" kpress "K", "copy" kpress "C", "paste" } set_mod "" kpress "Return", "finish" kpress "Delete", "delete" kpress "BackSpace", "backspace" kpress "Home", "bol" kpress "End", "eol" kpress "Tab", "complete" kpress "Up", "history_prev" kpress "Down", "history_next" kpress "Right", "forward" kpress "Left", "back" kpress "Escape", "cancel" kpress "Page_Up", "scrollup" kpress "Page_Down", "scrolldown" mclick "Button2", "paste" } moveres_bindings{ set_mod "AnyModifier" kpress "Escape", "cancel_resize" kpress "Return", "end_resize" kpress "V", "grow" kpress "H", "grow" kpress "S", "shrink" }